Strong Staff - Resilience through Understanding
Now that you you've attended the Strong Staff workshop, here are some resources which can help anyone live better... and suffer, struggle and stress less. It works by stimulating your own insights into how your mind and life are actually working.
If you want to search for podcasts, videos and books yourself, here are some excellent speakers and authors on the Inside Out Approach:
Here is a summary of the key "take homes" from the workshop... the 3 "secrets to life":
This "Inside-Out" approach has gone by different names... The Three Principles, Innate Health, Psychology of Mind, Health Realization, State of Mind. Curiously, it was not started by a psychologist but by a simple, ordinary guy called Sydney Banks. He was a Scottish welder working at a pulp mill in Canada who had a profound enlightenment experience where he saw how his mind worked. He spent the rest of his life helping other people to see it for themselves. The most widely used name now for this approach is the Three Principles. It is still "the best kept secret" in psychology and resilience education.
Now here are...
The Recommended RESOURCES
(BTW... your smart phone is the greatest learning device ever invented. If you need help on setting up your learning platforms with things like podcast apps, accessing videos or where best to buy books then check out my page here on Learning Platforms.)
Please choose from below what interests you most...
Podcasts and Other Audios
Mental Health
Dr Bill Pettit is an American Psychiatrist with decades of experience getting dramatic results with clients using this approach. Here you can choose from many podcasts where he talks about the one source of all mental illness, anxiety, depression, physical disorder and health problems, personality disorders, PTSD and trauma, habits and addictions, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and psychosis, suicidal thinking, chronic pain:
Real Change Audio Series
(If you are on your computer now, email the link to your phone to listen from there while you go for a walk, etc.)
Anxiety and Stress
Nicola Bird is a UK expert who specialises in the application of this approach to anxiety, panic attacks and stress. A lot of in-depth podcasts that can help with these issues here:
A Little Peace of Mind Podcasts
(Search for this on your podcast app... just download one if you don't have one.)
Habits and Addictions
Dr Amy Johnson is an American Psychologist. This is what she says about her podcast: "Most of us experience change as difficult, with results that are shallow and short-lived. But that’s only because we’re stuck in an old paradigm, using strategies that don’t go deep enough. Join psychologist and author Dr. Amy Johnson for Changeable, a podcast about a new paradigm in psychology that reveals the ironic way change really works. It’s easier than you think."
Changeable Podcast
(The more recent episodes on this podcast are the best.)
Inspiration, Deeper Understanding and Diverse Applications
Michael Neill has been the most successful at bringing this approach to a wider global audience. He is an American coach and consultant with a deep understanding of how the Three Principles applies to everything from personal happiness, to business success, to creativity.
Michael Neill's Caffeine for the Soul Podcast
(These podcasts are short but many of them link to the next, so I suggest doing a "Sort" on your podcast app so that it plays podcasts from older to newer.)
His books are excellent also:
The Inside Out Revolution
The Space Within
Super Coach (his newest book)
(All are also available as audio books on Audible - great way to "read" when you're walking or driving.)
Jamie Smart is the UK version of Michael Neill and well worth a listen.
Clarity Podcast (pick and choose... not all of these will be relevant to you.)
Also has good books:
The Little Book of Clarity (the condensed version)
One Thought Changes Everything - This is well written with some fascinating personal stories... try the Kindle version if you can't wait to get into it.
Somebody Should Have Told Us - Jack Pransky is one of the best Three Principles teachers.
Encounters with an Enlightened Man - reveals Linda Quiring's experience with Syd Banks, the founder of this new approach to psychology. Prior to meeting him, Linda was in a mental institution where she was told she would need to be on medication and receive periodic shock treatments for the rest of her life. After listening to Syd she became 'cured' without any further medication or treatments.
If you get an Audible subscription, other good books on this approach that are available as audios on Audible are:
An excellent book to help children discover their power of thought - What Is a Thought? (A Thought Is a Lot!) by Jack Pransky and Amy Kahofer (2012). See this link to... "Transform this book into a teaching tool! Download the 10 Lesson Plans and Activities."
See also the research on tips on fostering a Growth Mindset in children (and adults) as one example of the power of thought.
Websites and Videos
Syd Banks - Click on Video - Streaming Video to see Syd's full talks about the Three Principles. The Long Beach Lectures are a good place to start. With many resources on this approach it is good to listen in a relaxed state, as if you were listening to music, rather than an academic lecture. You are more likely then to get personal insights and this is what helps most.
Real Change - shares stories and statistics of real change that illuminate the source of our human experience. For an explanation of the Three Principles see the Universal Principles Explained page.
Michael Neill's website - See here for another good written introduction to what are the Three Principles... they are not quite the same as the 3 key take homes above (and don't be too worried if you don't fully "get it" - like most people you'll probably spend the rest of your life developing a deeper understanding of what these three principles really are... the levels of understanding are probably unlimited.)
Three Principles Foundation - If you like to hear how this new understanding linking psychology and spirituality got started then visit this site to hear it from his friend from those early days, Elsie Spittle and from Syd himself.
Three Principles Resource Library - Huge collection of resources in categories including Beginner Guides, Syd Banks, and Videos (many sub-categories - e.g. Relationships, Performance, Money, Dying, Physical Health).
Research list at Three Principles - Good summary of research. See particularly articles under the subheadings of Mental Health/Resilience, Psychology/Counselling, and Stress. - For an example of a research study where outcomes from the Three Principles approach are compared with a control group then see the Statistics page on the Real Change site. The research paper itself, Teaching Health vs Treating Illness, is well worth reading.
There have been numerous articles and studies in peer-reviewed journals but the first Three Principles research article published in an American Psychological Association (APA) sponsored journal only occurred in 2015. The research article was "Realizing improved mental health through understanding three spiritual principles." Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J., & Lambert, E. Journal of Spirituality in Clinical Practice. The Journal’s Editor, Dr. Len Sperry, stated, “We are delighted to publish your groundbreaking work.”
Three Principles Global Community research list - See this for a long list of published research.
In addition, just click here if you'd like to access my
Physical Wellbeing resources along with my other levels of Wellbeing programs - Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Social Wellbeing.
Best regards
Mitch Lawrie M.Ed
Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Educator
If you want to search for podcasts, videos and books yourself, here are some excellent speakers and authors on the Inside Out Approach:
- Sydney Banks
- Aaron Turner
- Nicola Bird
- Dr Bill Pettit
- Michael Neill
- Dr Amy Johnson
- Jamie Smart
- Elsie Spittle
- Jack Pransky
Here is a summary of the key "take homes" from the workshop... the 3 "secrets to life":
- Your thought in the moment creates your experience of life and 100% of your feelings. The process works from the inside out. ALWAYS. However to us it appears that the outside world of circumstances, stress, other people, the past or the future is causing our experience of life... and our problems. This is a powerful illusion we all get drawn into. It is a trick of the mind. When you learn to see this, you gain a lot of power and the world of thought you live in begins to change.
~ This is your "answer" ~ - Your real self is consciousness… a core of energy, love and intelligence connected to everyone and everything. It is always there but often covered up by the effects of your thinking. You are not your thoughts or even that whole pile of thoughts (your personality) that you call yourself. The real you is that which is aware of your thoughts. The real you can never be damaged and is always available as a source of peace, compassion, and wellbeing. It is the innate source of inner strength and health which sustains you and is you. You will always be safe and okay because of this real you… despite the illusions of your world of thought.
(For brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor's, experience of this core consciousness during her stroke see her TED video here.)
~ This is who you really are ~
- You will forget all this and still feel all kinds of things at times. That is okay. Why? Have another look at Secrets 1 and 2 above. It is okay to feel uncomfortable in the moment (anxious, sad, angry, jealous, etc.) if you know deep down it is just a passing experience created by your arbitrary thoughts and that the real you… consciousness… is just fine. You don't need to be afraid of feelings. However, you just don't want to get stuck in your head creating a lot of unnecessary feelings while thinking it is the world doing it to you. The other good news is you don't have to be perfect... or even particularly good at all this. However, if you want it, these secrets will grow in your awareness and at some point you will realise your life has changed. (E.g. You'll get less of the difficult thought-feelings and the ones you do get you won't worry about because deep down you know they can't really hurt you.)
~ This is your path ~
This "Inside-Out" approach has gone by different names... The Three Principles, Innate Health, Psychology of Mind, Health Realization, State of Mind. Curiously, it was not started by a psychologist but by a simple, ordinary guy called Sydney Banks. He was a Scottish welder working at a pulp mill in Canada who had a profound enlightenment experience where he saw how his mind worked. He spent the rest of his life helping other people to see it for themselves. The most widely used name now for this approach is the Three Principles. It is still "the best kept secret" in psychology and resilience education.
Now here are...
The Recommended RESOURCES
(BTW... your smart phone is the greatest learning device ever invented. If you need help on setting up your learning platforms with things like podcast apps, accessing videos or where best to buy books then check out my page here on Learning Platforms.)
Please choose from below what interests you most...
Podcasts and Other Audios
Mental Health
Dr Bill Pettit is an American Psychiatrist with decades of experience getting dramatic results with clients using this approach. Here you can choose from many podcasts where he talks about the one source of all mental illness, anxiety, depression, physical disorder and health problems, personality disorders, PTSD and trauma, habits and addictions, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and psychosis, suicidal thinking, chronic pain:
Real Change Audio Series
(If you are on your computer now, email the link to your phone to listen from there while you go for a walk, etc.)
Anxiety and Stress
Nicola Bird is a UK expert who specialises in the application of this approach to anxiety, panic attacks and stress. A lot of in-depth podcasts that can help with these issues here:
A Little Peace of Mind Podcasts
(Search for this on your podcast app... just download one if you don't have one.)
Habits and Addictions
Dr Amy Johnson is an American Psychologist. This is what she says about her podcast: "Most of us experience change as difficult, with results that are shallow and short-lived. But that’s only because we’re stuck in an old paradigm, using strategies that don’t go deep enough. Join psychologist and author Dr. Amy Johnson for Changeable, a podcast about a new paradigm in psychology that reveals the ironic way change really works. It’s easier than you think."
Changeable Podcast
(The more recent episodes on this podcast are the best.)
Inspiration, Deeper Understanding and Diverse Applications
Michael Neill has been the most successful at bringing this approach to a wider global audience. He is an American coach and consultant with a deep understanding of how the Three Principles applies to everything from personal happiness, to business success, to creativity.
Michael Neill's Caffeine for the Soul Podcast
(These podcasts are short but many of them link to the next, so I suggest doing a "Sort" on your podcast app so that it plays podcasts from older to newer.)
His books are excellent also:
The Inside Out Revolution
The Space Within
Super Coach (his newest book)
(All are also available as audio books on Audible - great way to "read" when you're walking or driving.)
Jamie Smart is the UK version of Michael Neill and well worth a listen.
Clarity Podcast (pick and choose... not all of these will be relevant to you.)
Also has good books:
The Little Book of Clarity (the condensed version)
One Thought Changes Everything - This is well written with some fascinating personal stories... try the Kindle version if you can't wait to get into it.
Somebody Should Have Told Us - Jack Pransky is one of the best Three Principles teachers.
Encounters with an Enlightened Man - reveals Linda Quiring's experience with Syd Banks, the founder of this new approach to psychology. Prior to meeting him, Linda was in a mental institution where she was told she would need to be on medication and receive periodic shock treatments for the rest of her life. After listening to Syd she became 'cured' without any further medication or treatments.
If you get an Audible subscription, other good books on this approach that are available as audios on Audible are:
- The Enlightened Gardener
- Exquisite Mind: How a new paradigm transformed my life
- Instant Motivation
- The Little Book of Big Change (By Dr Amy Johnson above)
An excellent book to help children discover their power of thought - What Is a Thought? (A Thought Is a Lot!) by Jack Pransky and Amy Kahofer (2012). See this link to... "Transform this book into a teaching tool! Download the 10 Lesson Plans and Activities."
See also the research on tips on fostering a Growth Mindset in children (and adults) as one example of the power of thought.
Websites and Videos
Syd Banks - Click on Video - Streaming Video to see Syd's full talks about the Three Principles. The Long Beach Lectures are a good place to start. With many resources on this approach it is good to listen in a relaxed state, as if you were listening to music, rather than an academic lecture. You are more likely then to get personal insights and this is what helps most.
Real Change - shares stories and statistics of real change that illuminate the source of our human experience. For an explanation of the Three Principles see the Universal Principles Explained page.
Michael Neill's website - See here for another good written introduction to what are the Three Principles... they are not quite the same as the 3 key take homes above (and don't be too worried if you don't fully "get it" - like most people you'll probably spend the rest of your life developing a deeper understanding of what these three principles really are... the levels of understanding are probably unlimited.)
Three Principles Foundation - If you like to hear how this new understanding linking psychology and spirituality got started then visit this site to hear it from his friend from those early days, Elsie Spittle and from Syd himself.
Three Principles Resource Library - Huge collection of resources in categories including Beginner Guides, Syd Banks, and Videos (many sub-categories - e.g. Relationships, Performance, Money, Dying, Physical Health).
Research list at Three Principles - Good summary of research. See particularly articles under the subheadings of Mental Health/Resilience, Psychology/Counselling, and Stress. - For an example of a research study where outcomes from the Three Principles approach are compared with a control group then see the Statistics page on the Real Change site. The research paper itself, Teaching Health vs Treating Illness, is well worth reading.
There have been numerous articles and studies in peer-reviewed journals but the first Three Principles research article published in an American Psychological Association (APA) sponsored journal only occurred in 2015. The research article was "Realizing improved mental health through understanding three spiritual principles." Kelley, T. M., Pransky, J., & Lambert, E. Journal of Spirituality in Clinical Practice. The Journal’s Editor, Dr. Len Sperry, stated, “We are delighted to publish your groundbreaking work.”
Three Principles Global Community research list - See this for a long list of published research.
In addition, just click here if you'd like to access my
Physical Wellbeing resources along with my other levels of Wellbeing programs - Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Social Wellbeing.
Best regards
Mitch Lawrie M.Ed
Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Educator