Living Strong with Disability
- How to Build Your Life, Resilience & Wellbeing
Living strong ... thriving and not just surviving with a disability takes courage and resilience. This program helps people with a disability develop more of what they need to live well and prosper.
It is not based on the medical model which mainly sees you as a patient to treat... it is based on an empowerment model which sees you as a resourceful human being with untapped potentials and something to offer the world.
How does the program work?
We show you how to change key habits so as to build energy, resilience and wellbeing in these four inner dimensions of your life:
It is not based on the medical model which mainly sees you as a patient to treat... it is based on an empowerment model which sees you as a resourceful human being with untapped potentials and something to offer the world.
How does the program work?
We show you how to change key habits so as to build energy, resilience and wellbeing in these four inner dimensions of your life:
The outcomes of this part of the progam is that you learn to be more healthy, happy, mindful (skillfully focused), and purposeful (deeply motivated).
The 4 inner dimensions of human wellbeing form the foundation for success strategies in the 5 Outer Domains of Wellbeing (creative, work, financial, home, & community).
Linking everything together and providing a powerful, unique focus to the training is the highly experiential component of the program called Social Wellbeing. The 4 inner domains bear fruit in the domain of social wellbeing. Wellbeing and resilience do not occur in isolated individuals with poor relationships. Relationships with others is key. People need people.
Taken together this is our proprietry "4 + 1 + 5 Model of Wellbeing":
The 4 inner dimensions of human wellbeing form the foundation for success strategies in the 5 Outer Domains of Wellbeing (creative, work, financial, home, & community).
Linking everything together and providing a powerful, unique focus to the training is the highly experiential component of the program called Social Wellbeing. The 4 inner domains bear fruit in the domain of social wellbeing. Wellbeing and resilience do not occur in isolated individuals with poor relationships. Relationships with others is key. People need people.
Taken together this is our proprietry "4 + 1 + 5 Model of Wellbeing":
Program content is customised for each group and may include:
How is the program delivered?
A combination of 1 - 1 coaching, group facilitation, and online content. Online resources include videos, audios, assessments, as well as recommended readings & books.
The program is based on adult learning principles including lots of interaction between equals. Behaviour change is assisted by the spaced repetition of key messages.
While it may be cheaper to deliver wellbeing education via online delivery alone, it is worth noting that a 2009 meta analysis of over 1000 studies of online learning by the US Dept of Education found that blended education (face-to-face and online) gets the best results. (Source: p.7 New Scientist 8 September 2012.) This is not surprising as nothing beats the impact of interacting with a human being in the same room while online resources provide further depth and scope for self-paced learning.
Living Strong with Disability is a unique and exciting program that has been developed over several years with multiple audiences. If you want it to... it can change your life.
Mitch Lawrie
Master of Education
Diploma of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing
- The wellbeing/performance connection
- Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset
- Managing energy not time for improving performance
- Four levels of wellbeing and how they relate to your energy quantity, quality, focus, & force
- Key tips for physical health based on the latest research
- Tactical Breathing & the Quick Coherence Technique for fast calm
- How to care for your most important organ… your brain!
- Emotions - how to boost happiness and develop emotional agility
- Thoughts - how to use everyday mindfulness to upwire your brain
- How your states of minds and beliefs shape your reality & how to use that
- What are your strengths and where can you apply them
- Compassion & Purpose - key ingredients for inner and outer change
- Social Wellbeing – how to have good relationships, manage conflict and understand your own personality
- Key traps and tips for your financial wellbeing based on a range of surprising research
- 10 Guidelines for a Resilient Life from research on survivors of major trauma
How is the program delivered?
A combination of 1 - 1 coaching, group facilitation, and online content. Online resources include videos, audios, assessments, as well as recommended readings & books.
The program is based on adult learning principles including lots of interaction between equals. Behaviour change is assisted by the spaced repetition of key messages.
While it may be cheaper to deliver wellbeing education via online delivery alone, it is worth noting that a 2009 meta analysis of over 1000 studies of online learning by the US Dept of Education found that blended education (face-to-face and online) gets the best results. (Source: p.7 New Scientist 8 September 2012.) This is not surprising as nothing beats the impact of interacting with a human being in the same room while online resources provide further depth and scope for self-paced learning.
Living Strong with Disability is a unique and exciting program that has been developed over several years with multiple audiences. If you want it to... it can change your life.
Mitch Lawrie
Master of Education
Diploma of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing